World Animal Day Activities

The Unbreakable Bond: Dogs, Humans, and Our Planet

Hello Teachers! 

We hope your week was full of exciting explorations outside. Here’s our “Sunday’s 5 – Mondays thrive” post of the week, based on what we’ve covered on our school grounds, to celebrate World Animal Day. When we look at the close-knit relationship humans share with dogs, it’s hard to ignore the broader implications this bond has on our environment, our societies, and the looming climate crisis.

Outdoor activities for the World Animal Day

📖 Activity Insight: Strong Nose Adventure 🌱
For: Teachers seeking a refreshing, outdoor sensory experience rooted in the magic of smell.
Duration: Approximately 1.5 hours.

World Animal Day Activities

1️⃣ Objective:
Dive into the world of scents to amplify students’ understanding of olfaction. Enhance their observational prowess, nurture a closer bond with nature, and instill a newfound respect for the incredible sensory capabilities of animals.

Curricular Goals Addressed:

  • Sensory Awareness: Experience nature through the realm of smell, becoming more receptive to their environment.
  • Cognitive Development: Associating distinct scents with memories and experiences.
  • Empathy & Animal Appreciation: Delve into the exceptional abilities of animals, especially our canine companions, cultivating respect and awe.
  • Observational Skills: Differentiating and identifying varied natural and man-made items based purely on scent.

2️⃣ Materials:

  • Blindfolds
  • Aromatic natural items from the school grounds (e.g., pinecones, flowers, herbs)
  • Kitchen items with distinct smells: peanut butter, yogurt, and other common aromatic kitchen ingredients.

3️⃣ Steps:
a. Nature’s Aroma Palette 🌿: Identify a serene spot in the schoolyard, ensuring a comfortable setting for students.

b. Blindfold & Scent Detection 🌺: Blindfold students and present different aromatic wonders, guiding them to decipher the items exclusively via their olfaction.

c. Discussion & Reflection 🧠💭: Post activity, initiate a discussion about their experiences, the scents that evoked memories, and the incredible world of canine scent detection.

4️⃣ Bonus Fact 🐕:
Astonishingly, a dog’s olfactory sense is 10,000 to 100,000 times sharper than ours, aiding them in tasks ranging from navigation to intricate communication.

Teachers’ Take-away 📚✨:

Our senses serve as unique portals to the universe. By traversing the intricate maze of scents, we don’t just uncover the wonders of the world but also learn about ourselves and the myriad creatures cohabiting our planet.

If you’ve tried our activities, drop us a line to share how it went!

We’d love to hear from you and share your practice with our community.


~ Your EOE Hub team,

See you out there teachers!

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